05 Июня 2024

Русский народный платок – это элемент традиционного костюма, современный аксессуар и произведение искусства, которое имеет богатую историю. Международный фестиваль «КРАСНЫЙ ПЛАТ»

15 Марта 2024

с 15 июня 2024 г. по 15 сентября 2024 г. будет проходить выставка платков в рамках Всероссийского фестиваля «КРАСНЫЙ ПЛАТ» г. Екатеринбург 2024 г.

Скачать положение о конкурсе 



15 Марта 2022


The Ural Triennial of Decorative Arts is an international exhibition project in the Russian Federation. The first Triennial was held in 2016, organized by the Ural State University of Architecture and Art (Ekaterinburg, Russia), the Ministry of Culture for Sverdlovsk Region, and the Sverdlovsk Regional Division of the Russian Union of Artists.

This year the Triennial is supported by the Middle Urals Center for Traditional Folk Arts and Crafts and the School of Art History, Cultural Studies and Design of the Ural Federal University.


The aim of the Ural Triennial is to promote creative contacts and cultural exchange in decorative arts within Russia and internationally.


The programme of the Triennial includes an open exhibition/competition of applied decorative arts, a conference, and a round table.

The theme of the 3rd Ural Triennial of Decorative Arts is “Dialogues”.

Dates of the Triennial: July 20th to September 18th, 2022.



The Triennial is an international forum open to professional artists and students from Russia and other countries.


Nominations of the Triennial:

«Art Object»

«Ceramics »

«Glass »



«Jewelry and Stone Cutting»


General criteria: professional artistry, expressiveness, creative novelty and topicality.

Awards: winners will be celebrated with diplomas for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place; participants will receive a certificate of participation.



The Triennial is open for artworks created in the last three years (2019 to 2022).

Please note that the exhibition/competition is open only for artworks implemented in material or using decorative art techniques. Paintings or graphic works or other types of artwork are not accepted.


The Triennial is held in two phases:

Phase 1. Registration for participation

Registration for participation in the Triennial is open for international participants till March 31st, 2022.

Submission should include

1/ registration form submitted through  https://forms.gle/oosAZp8qaPQejMdf7

2/ digital image of the artwork in the following formats: JPEG, 300 dpi, CMYK, 18 cm along the long side. Each image should be sent as a separate file signed by SURNAME, name, and title (for example: SMITH John, A Dancer). The title should be the same as that of the artwork;

3/ author’s portrait photo.

The number of entries submitted by one author to the first phase should not exceed six entries. A diptych or triptych will be considered as one artwork.


The list of submitting authors will be published on the web-site of the Triennial http://uraldi.ru/ by April 15th, 2022.


Phase II. Submission of artworks

The authors of shortlisted artworks will be invited to submit their artworks in the period from June 1st to July 1st, 2022  to the address of the main exhibition venue as follows:

The Ural Design Center, 4a Gorky Street, Ekaterinburg, 620075, Russia.

Considering the current context, international participants will be able to participate in the second phase in digital format.


Contact details:

3rd Ural Triennial of Decorative Arts

Organizing Committee

Ural State University of Architecture and Art

23 K.Liebknecht Street,

Ekaterinburg, 620075,


e-mail: ural_di@mail.ru



